2020 Vision: A Reflection Of 2020

So, I initially had something else planned for this post, but after praying about it, I thought it would be best to edit majority of it. =)

2020 has been an interesting year, hasn’t it? The year 2020 had is share of the good, bad, and questionable. Most importantly, this year has revealed a lot about ourselves and others.

At the start of the year, many people referred to this year as “the roaring 20’s” or made the statement “2020 vision”. As we come to an end of the year 2020, I’d like to say that this year did just that. 2020 gave us a clear vision of how people really are and what they treasure most and its been a year of “roaring” since people have been protesting, bickering, and complaining.

How so? This year started off with various challenges, one major one being the COVID-19 pandemic. As the virus spread around the globe, many fear stricken people turned into self-centered monsters, hoarding nearly everything they could lay their hands on (especially toilet paper). They were willing to be unpleasant and disrespectful to anyone who got in their way or hindering them from stacking their supplies. Without this pandemic, would we still see such savage behavior? For some people, absolutely. Others, on the other hand, might have surprised you.

There are many other examples that I’d rather not go in depth on. One being the murder of George Floyd and other, smaller events of people in our own circles. Many people have showed their own unforgiveness, church hurt, racist thoughts & behaviors, unwillingness to truly wait on the Lord for various promises that He gave, anger, jealousy, and the list goes on.

This post is NOT meant to shame anyone, but to encourage people to seek help where God gave you 2020 vision on this year. It may not be easy, since there may be some deep-seated issues that He highlighted, but trust me, it will be worth it when you tackle it (with Christ’s help, because let’s face it, we CANNOT do this without Him) and get free & delivered from those things that He's showed you. And what better time to deal with these issues at the end of the year!

As the year 2021 quickly approaches, I pray that the Lord sets you free from any and every stronghold in your life, in Jesus’ name!


Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas!