PAO-erful Medicine

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Planning Ahead

If you are like me, you like to have a general game plan in place before starting anything new, including a new semester. Ever since I can remember, I had a planner or agenda to help me plan out my days of the week. It truly help me to stay on top of things in regards to assignments and other important things for classes or life in general.

Planning ahead can take on many forms, especially now since everything is computer based. I’ve had friends write things down on Post-its, whether on their computers or on the physical paper version, to keep important assignments in mind. For me, I utilize Google Calendar, Google Tasks, and a good old fashion paper planner. Google Calendar has my whole spring semester synced across nearly all of my electronic devices, so I know what days and times I have all of my classes (especially the mandatory ones). It’s nice because I will always have Google Calendar with me if I have my phone on me, meaning there is no excuse for missing anything. Google Tasks are connect through Google Calendar. Input important tasks that I have to do in them. For example, if I need to send an email out to one of my clubs, I can always put it on a task to pop-up and remind me a specific time to do so. I sometimes use Google Task for assignments I want to complete before the due date.

My absolute favorite way to plan and keep track of things is via my paper planner. As stated before, I’ve been using a physical planner for many years now, so I’ll feel a bit weird without one. I was actually introduced to a Passion Planner by the learning specialist at my school, back when I was in my masters program. I have a paper copy, but Passion Planners also offer digital copies for your tablet or computers. I like them because you can set goals for yourself each week and also reflect on the good things that happen every week. There is even a section where you can reflect on things each month!

When planning ahead, at the start of the week (usually on Sunday or Monday), I take the time to plan out my week by writing in all of the mandatory classes and important, up-coming assignments that are due in my Passion Planner. At the start of the day, I write in everything I’d like to accomplish in my 8 to 12 hour day. I even write down when I want to work out or get ready for bed, so I can stay on track. I have my scheduled bedtime and breakfast time set on my Google Calendar as a reminder as well.

Planning ahead and sticking to a schedule is important in being successful in school in beyond. Hopefully I inspired you to keep some sort of a schedule for the future!