One Thing Remains
This song holds a special place in my heart. Almost 10 years ago, I was going through a very rough time in my life. It seemed like everything and everyone were turned against me. I felt like giving up and ending it all, but the chorus of this song kept playing, repetitively, in my mind whenever I cried. Looking back, I now realize that God was “wooing” me then. But at that time, I decided to do things I never did before (specifically speaking about church). I joined and regularly attended a small group affiliated with my church. I made meaningful relationships with many individuals at my church that I needed in that season of my life. I went through sozo and got the much needed deliverance that I needed. Went to various women’s, young adults, and general church conferences and sought God with all of my heart and soul. From that rough patch, God has brought forth so much healing, freedom, and love. It all started by Him reminding me that His love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out of me.
As we approach Easter, I just want us to be reminded of His never ending love. This same love caused Him to die on the cross for us so we can be with our Father in Heaven for eternity. That’s true love.
The song and lyrics are all included on the video.