Seasons Change
I’m not a huge fan of the autumn season, but I’m still embracing the change.
During my time with Abba (Father) tonight, this song came on and I thought “how appropriate”. Not only did the season change, but there are a lot of things in our world that are changing. Many things are uncertain these days, causing so many people to live in fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear and hurt from trying to move forward despite enduring loss(es) this year.
Its times like this that we truly need to rely on God more than ever before, as if our lives depend on it. When you can, feel free to listen to this song below. I’ve also included the lyrics to meditate on during your own personal time with the Lord.
I pray peace over your minds and your lives, in Jesus’ name.
Though the music changes
And the songs we sing
We still lift our praises to our loving God and King
Though the music changes
And the songs we sing
We still lift our praises to our loving God and King
Though the seasons change
Your love remains
Your love remains
Lord, You've been faithful to plant the seeds
And You will be faithful to always send Your rain
Lord, You've been faithful to plant the seeds
And You will be faithful to always send Your rain...
You are faithful...
Though the seasons change
Your love remains
Your love remains
Though the seasons change
Your love remains
Your love remains
Though the seasons change
Your love remains
Your love remains
Though the seasons change
Your love remains
Your love remains
When we were far apart
You came running with open arms
When we were far apart
You came running with open arms
When we were far apart
You came running with open arms