Hope in the Midst of a Storm
“One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and started out. As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. Then he asked them, “Where is your faith?” The disciples were terrified and amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!””
When the storm rages…
Run to the only one that can calm any and every storm that you may encounter.
I felt led to share this, as I’m going through my own storm. I’m by no means trying to broadcast the details on what I’m currently going through, but I’m here to encourage those of you who are currently going through a rough patch.
Life isn’t always easy. Nearly all of us know this fact already. There are various storms and battles that we will face the longer we live. The good thing, however, is knowing that God is and will be there with us no matter what we go through. Similarly to the physical storm that Jesus and the disciples encountered while crossing the lake (discussed in the passage from the book of Luke mentioned above), God will calm whatever storm we are facing. He has in the past, so why would it be any different now? Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of all the things God has brought us through, especially when we hit a rough spot in our lives.
In some ways, some of the things I’ll be discussing in this post will be somewhat similar to what I’ve mentioned in my Dealing with Grief post from last December. I’ll try my best not to repeat myself, so I’ll likely include a bunch of links to that post. There are a couple of ways we can maintain and increase our faith in the midst of a storm. First, and foremost, we must spend time with God and stay connected to the church.
Spend Time with God
Spending time with God is critical, whether you are currently going through a storm or not. As I mentioned in my Dealing with Grief post, other people will not be able to be there for us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Only God can truly be there for us 24/7! This is why we need to spend time with Him to build up our own intimate relationship with Him.
There are various ways we can spend time with God (which I go into far more detail in my Dealing with Grief post):
Reading the Bible
Worshipping God*
Soaking in His presence
When we spend time with God, we are putting Him above our issues and concerns. We can tell Him everything (from how we feel about what’s going on, worries, fears, and even anger for going through it). God is there for us and He is more than willing to listen since we are His beloved children. Spending time with Him will renew and strengthen our hope that we need to persevere.
Again, please check out my Dealing with Grief post for a bit more details on the ways we can spend time with our Heavenly Father.
*I’ve included some worship songs towards the end of this post to listen and worship to in your own time.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”
Stay Connected to the Church
In my Build Your Church post, I mentioned how the original meaning for church (ekklesia) refers to a body of believers [Christians] who are gathered together to do God’s will (which can be different things, but all acts are to honor God and God alone). Somehow, the original meaning for church got lost in translation over the years. The church is not a physical building, but a body of believers of Jesus Christ gathered together.
Spending time with and getting to know those in the church is also important. You not only get to make new friends, but you will also meet those who will help lift you up when you are down and will pray for you if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone.
When my storm first begun, I felt depressed and defeated. Initially, a couple of my church friends reached out to me to see how I was doing. I didn’t tell anyone (besides my husband and immediate family) what was going on in my life at that time. After we talked for a bit, I felt safe enough to share with them what I was going through (mind you I had year(s) of association with these individuals). They responded by praying for me, reminding me of God’s promise for my life, and encouraging me from that day on.
We all need brothers and sisters in Christ that will pray for us, encourage us, and remind us what God says that we are and His promises for us. Sometimes we also need to be reminded of God’s goodness, because our emotions will sometimes deceive. With God and a genuine connection with those in the church, we form the three-strand cord that cannot be easily broken.
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”
As I mentioned in the past, praising and worshipping God is one of my favorite ways to spend time with Him. Here are some songs that stood out to me while I worshipped God the other day. I pray that these songs touch, encourage, and strengthen your hope.
Peace be still you are with me In this hope I abide
Jesus be my sustainer Strengthen me in this trial
And I know
It’s only for a moment
And everything is working For your glory
But I need
Your perfect love to hold me Safe within your promise
Till the storm has passed
When this burden is lifted I’ll give thanks to your name But until it is finished
I’ll give praise just the same
And I know
It’s only for a moment
And everything is working For your glory
But I need
Your perfect love to hold me Safe within your promise
Till the storm has passed
For we have this hope As an anchor for our soul You are with us
We will never be alone
Lyrics for this song was found on Elevation Worship’s website.
It can sometimes be a challenge to praise God in the midst of a storm, since our bodies are wanting to do the exact opposite. It is in those times when we NEED to praise Him. Praising God not only gets your mind off of your problems, but its magnifying God above your problems. It will remind you of all the miracles God has already done for you. It will remind you of the battles He has already conquered for you. And, if you let Him, He will calm this new storm for you. So praise Him in advance, even if things aren’t looking that great yet.
You spoke the words let there be light and it was oh
And in that same breath the stars fell in line
With one voice creation cries
You do all things well(2x)
Be praised
Be praised
Be praised
Forever and always
Lost in the dark up under the dirt
I was buried left to die
I heard your voice calling my name
From the tomb I came alive
You do all things well
From the tomb I came alive
You do all things well
Be praised
Be praised
Be praised
Forever and always
When I think of all He’s done and all the battles you’ve brought me over
For all the storms I saw him calm in my defense, my only song is
And how He never let me fall, now unto Him who is able
And let there never be a day that I don’t rise to bring you praise
Be praised
Be praised
Be praised
Forever and always
I’ve posted this song last year on its own individual post and rightfully so. I don’t have the lyrics for this one, but they are actually quite simple. Please listen carefully and be encouraged today.
Here are some sermons that my pastors preached recently. I found them very encouraging and I pray they encourage you as well.