Where have I been?


Hi everyone! I know it’s been a while since I made my last post addressing you all. I’ve been making sporadic posts on the Soul Food section of the page, but haven’t been updating much else.

So, where have I been? Towards the end of 2023, I kept getting sick with various viral illnesses thanks to exposure to my young niece. It seemed like I was sick with something at least once a month. In January of this year, I ended up having a severe variant of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD), which sent me to the emergency department with a 1o4°F (40°C) fever that wasn’t being managed well with Tylenol or Advil. The following month I was having gastrointestinal issues and chest pain, which sent me back to the emergency department. After being referred to and evaluated by a cardiologist, I’ve been doing much better without anything serious being diagnosed (thank God). I’m still being seen by a gastroenterologist for my GI issues, but even that has been improving.

In addition to health challenges, my daughter had her first birthday party, my husband had his retirement ceremony, and we moved all within a couple of weeks from each other. Since we are all moved into our new place, I have a little break to finally update you all before my schedule gets busy yet again. My goal, if my schedule permits, is to post at least biweekly from here on out, Lord willing.

Thank you all for bearing with me and for your continued support.



Cheers to 4 Years


Happy 2024!